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Retro Christmas Card - Broke 80s Style!

    I was tagged by Kim Kasch to post the 4th pic in my photo album. Since I have dozens of photo albums--both in physical form as well as digital--spread out all over the place, I assumed she meant what passes as my main family photo album. And so here we are.

    This is a pic taken in 1984, when I was 8 years old. That's me on the right, my younger brother Jose on the left, and we're holding our 10-month old baby sister, Kita, in our lap. I actually remember taking this picture. My mother had gotten the idea to start a new tradition with the birth of our sister, and that was to harass family members and friends with cutesy holiday picture cards. What, you thought this fad was something new in the digital age? Pshhh! What? The old photomats were accomplishing this feat long before the advent of Photoshop and Kodak EasyShare software! With what I assume must have amounted to cardboard and string, but accomplish it they did!

    Anyway, my mother didn't hire no fancy-shmancy photographer. She didn't take us to a studio. No, she tacked up a bed sheet on the living room wall, sat us in the middle, and snapped this photo herself (haha!). And it shows! But, hell, we weren't rich, so this just had to do.

    But it accomplished the goal. Here we are, our mother's children. Needless to say this was a happier time, despite all that we did not have. And despite what was about to happen . . .

    But, for this one moment captured in time, we were happy and oblivious. Life had had its ups and downs even by this young age for me, but the fact that I'm still smiling in photos at this point just goes to show that the worst had not yet happened.

    And to me, that makes this photo very special.

    I'm supposed to tag 4 more people, but I hate tagging people. So those of you who read my blog, if you have a blog and feel like doing this, be my guest. Consider yourself tagged (you know who you are). Then post in my comments section a link to your blog entry. 'Kay? Thanks!
    Source URL: https://bollywoodsexygirls2012.blogspot.com/2009/02/retro-christmas-card-broke-80s-style.html
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