Back in Season 3 of Highlander: The Series, in the episode titled "Methos," I was first made aware of this little bookshop in Paris called Shakespeare and Company. And I thought to myself: now there's an interesting bookstore I wish I could spend a whole day in! Of course, it was made even cooler by the fact that, in the show, it happened to be the daytime cover of the Watcher watching over Methos. A fact the villain Immortal, Kalas, exploits to his sinister advantage. It's also where the now infamous Watcher Chronicles were archived and backed up on CD-ROM (a duplicate of which was hidden away in one of the stacks, too!)
Anyway, now that I'm going to Paris in 2 weeks, you can guarantee that this will be on the top of my list of places to visit. In fact, we'll be within walking distance from our hotel, as it turns out the store is located nearby on rue de la Bûcherie near Place St. Michel (and directly across the Seine from Notre Dame).
Check out this video on Youtube which explores this wonderful gem with the store's manager (and the owner's daughter), Sylvia Whitman. Unfortunately I wasn't able to embed the video, so you'll have to click on the link to view this.
This place is legendary in the annals of English-lit history. Can't wait to go!
Source URL: hot south girls pictures for daily updated images of art collection